Friday, January 4, 2008

Crikey means gee whiz, wow! -steve irwin

one month today :) I had lots of trouble falling asleep last night because i was so anxious, planning and organizing in my house. I woke up, very late, this morning after a really great dream; I was in my grade 8 class room with classmates from grade 8-12 in there. We were all just sitting around and goofing around. Then someone put on music, like rock music, and for some reason everyone was dancing around in their underwear and singing really loud to the music. If only that could happen in real life...

I wish no one was home so i could dance around to M.I.A in my underwear :( Instead I'm googling cheap laptops and trying to find non-leather riding boots, near impossible by the way. And my breakfast is black coffee and blue-berry pie, mmm.
I work all this weekend, and I know I'm going to have to tell my boss sooner or later that I'm leaving, but i'm dreading it so much. I always try really hard at work to be great, and i feel like i'll be giving that all away. But i'm going to the other side of the world, so i have to say something... or do i?

I'm so freaking excited!

Phillip Island

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