This is the most depressing post ever, why? Because I don't do anything! In reality, I just don't do anything productive during the day and that's when i'm made to feel the worst because the majority of the human race is out doing shit.
Instead of doing the expected, i'm at home in Josh's fatty pajamas dreading any productive activities by watching movies and re-runs of Sex and the City ( she says while watching Knocked Up...again ). Although last week I forced myself to pick up the vomit of clothes from my floor and even vacuumed for the first time in literally months.
I felt a burst of creativity and I dug through my sewing craft bin for my watercolour paints and paper resulting in a peacock, i'm very happy with it...and giving it to Rachel, for her birthday, will be quite tough. Later in the week I painted over a gift Sio gave me a few years ago, i'm reduceREUSErecycling, with a Geisha girl. It's mediocre. But the Keith's helped me to go on. Alcohol brings out the ocassional artist.

So if you haven't guessed it, we dont have a lot of money. The whole money/food situation pisses me off beyond fucking belief. It will get so bad that for a couple days we don't have the basics; milk, bread, eggs, sugar. Yesterday my brother had crackers and peanut butter for breakfast, and it wasn't just for effect, nuh uh. And then, INSTEAD of going shopping my parents will either
a) go to the corner store and just get chips, dip, and diet pepsi
b) order take-out
c) go to the grocery store and buy minimal, basic things that will only last a couple days
d) actually go to the grocery store like normal people.
Scenario's a) and c) occur frequently, and b) and d) happen i would say once every two weeks each. But noo, no one listens when i say ' hey, you could cut out a)b) and c) if you just do d) instead and you'd probably spend the same amount of money!'
I came in the door today, after sitting at Josh's Dads trying my best not to show any telltale hunger signs in fear of...i don't even know what. Anyways, I came in the door hoping, and praying there were crumbs of an animal-free dish, that i told myself i'd eat regardless.
I almost hurled when I saw it was a god-damned pasta with tomatoes and fake-powder-cheese. I mean, I love love L O V E pasta. but there is nothing worse than macaroni with a can of diced tomatoes and all that placenta-ey tomato remains floating around ( gag ). So I made cracked-black pepper linguine with basil tomato sauce ( sauce not chunks )
It's almost one in the morning. I'm typing as quietly as possible so I don't wake up Josh, who's sleeping beside me and clicking his jaw in this strange infant-like way. Waiting for Sio to come on, because it's her prime-msn time...
instead, i'm going to dissolve under these covers and wish that that whatever knocked him out, visits me next.
Instead of doing the expected, i'm at home in Josh's fatty pajamas dreading any productive activities by watching movies and re-runs of Sex and the City ( she says while watching Knocked Up...again ). Although last week I forced myself to pick up the vomit of clothes from my floor and even vacuumed for the first time in literally months.
I felt a burst of creativity and I dug through my sewing craft bin for my watercolour paints and paper resulting in a peacock, i'm very happy with it...and giving it to Rachel, for her birthday, will be quite tough. Later in the week I painted over a gift Sio gave me a few years ago, i'm reduceREUSErecycling, with a Geisha girl. It's mediocre. But the Keith's helped me to go on. Alcohol brings out the ocassional artist.
So if you haven't guessed it, we dont have a lot of money. The whole money/food situation pisses me off beyond fucking belief. It will get so bad that for a couple days we don't have the basics; milk, bread, eggs, sugar. Yesterday my brother had crackers and peanut butter for breakfast, and it wasn't just for effect, nuh uh. And then, INSTEAD of going shopping my parents will either
a) go to the corner store and just get chips, dip, and diet pepsi
b) order take-out
c) go to the grocery store and buy minimal, basic things that will only last a couple days
d) actually go to the grocery store like normal people.
Scenario's a) and c) occur frequently, and b) and d) happen i would say once every two weeks each. But noo, no one listens when i say ' hey, you could cut out a)b) and c) if you just do d) instead and you'd probably spend the same amount of money!'
I came in the door today, after sitting at Josh's Dads trying my best not to show any telltale hunger signs in fear of...i don't even know what. Anyways, I came in the door hoping, and praying there were crumbs of an animal-free dish, that i told myself i'd eat regardless.
I almost hurled when I saw it was a god-damned pasta with tomatoes and fake-powder-cheese. I mean, I love love L O V E pasta. but there is nothing worse than macaroni with a can of diced tomatoes and all that placenta-ey tomato remains floating around ( gag ). So I made cracked-black pepper linguine with basil tomato sauce ( sauce not chunks )
It's almost one in the morning. I'm typing as quietly as possible so I don't wake up Josh, who's sleeping beside me and clicking his jaw in this strange infant-like way. Waiting for Sio to come on, because it's her prime-msn time...
instead, i'm going to dissolve under these covers and wish that that whatever knocked him out, visits me next.
1 comment:
I'm sorry I didn't comment earlier! I'm used to you telling me when you updated :)
I'm glad you used that present for something useful (so lame) What did the cartoon say again? Your paintings are really really good.
I hardly do anything either. At the job interview when asked to describe myself I was like.. I'm in second year at Waterloo. Thankfully she asked about it otherwise I wouldn't have anything else to say
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