Did you ever think that maybe YOU are the problem with sexism? I mean, did you ever take a look at yourself and think, 'geeze maybe blogging about feminist ideas and adding women's rights to my interests doesn't make me a feminist'?
I'm tired and annoyed( obviously) with these females complaining about oppression, inequality and feeling like they have to conform to unrealistic expectations, YET they;
-wear more makeup than some drag-queens
-shave all the hair off their body except that perma-died clump on their head
-tan frequently( cancer, who cares?)
-wear push up bras so much that their tits are strangling them...
can i go on? Thongs; Fake Eyelashes ; High Heels ; extensions
I'm sorry, but do those sound like things a woman would do if she wanted freedom from male dominance and subjugation? Or if she just wanted liberation and to be gone of the media's sexist portrayal of women?
You are not a feminist, you are part of the problem. You are a creation of the male fantasy and you will stay like that until you open your eyes and stop living to please the other sex.
You are a feminist oxymoron.

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